Sunday, October 3, 2010

E3 2010: PlayStation Move HQ

After months of silence, the age of the PlayStation Move is upon us. This week, Sony opened the floodgates and began telling us all about their brand new motion controller and the games that will follow. We know the release date, price and so much more. Still, this is E3 and we're IGN. Hundreds of stories have gone live over the past few days, so finding the Move news you need is no easy task.

We're here to help you. We've gathered all of our Move-related coverage here in one article for you to peruse at your leisure. Videos, previews, demos – you name it, we got it. However, we're limiting it to stuff at the show that's actually using PlayStation Move at the E3. We know Killzone 3 and LittleBigPlanet 2 are going to incorporate the Move one day, but they aren't showing that tech here, so we're not linking to those previews.

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