Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cloud Storage Is the Future of Music Services

Amazon announced cloud storage for music. Google is reportedly working on a massive music streaming service that will reside in the cloud. And new reports indicate the Apple is working on its own cloud music service that might even beat Google to market. There's a reason why these companies are aiming for the cloud even though Amazon and Apple already have healthy and successful music download services. Cloud storage is the future of media. 

The benefits for companies are clear. For instance, Apple needs only to keep a master copy of a song on their servers, and multiple subscribers can listen to that track at once. Speaking of subscribers, subscriptions are frequently more profitable than single track or album sales on a per customer basis, and streaming music helps to deter piracy. But the benefits to consumers are clear, too. Think of it this way: You don't need to ever worry about the storage capacity of your music player (be it a dedicated MP3 player or a smartphone), and you never have to worry if you've put your latest favorite songs on that particular device. It's all housed in the cloud.

The same transition is taking place in media, and it likely won't be too long before you, too, are storing media in the cloud. Technews Daily

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