Sunday, October 3, 2010

Obama: Education key to economic success

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Determined to energize dispirited Democrats, President Barack Obama told New Mexico voters on Tuesday that Republicans would reverse the progress he's made on education reform and student aid.
Addressing a small group in an Albuquerque family's front yard, Obama shifted from his recent focus on the economy, which has run headlong into the grim reality of continued high unemployment. Instead, five weeks ahead of midterm elections that could turn into a Democratic bloodletting, the president told voters to think about education when they head to the polls.

President Barack Obama meets with Andy and Etta Cavalier at their home in Albuquerque, N.M., Tuesday.

"Nothing's going to be more important in terms of our long-term success." Obama argued that Republicans would cut education spending to pay for tax cuts for the rich. What do you think bout our current situation with the economy, education, and the job Obama is doing up to this point. Please share your thought. MadOne.

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