Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Milk: America’s Health Problem

Why is American Milk Banned in Europe?
  • American dairy milk is genetically-modified unless it’s labeled “NO rBGH”
  • Genetically-engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in milk increases cancer risks.
American dairy farmers inject rBGH to dairy cows to increase milk production.
European nations and Canada have banned rBGH to protect citizens from IGF-1 hazards.
Monsanto Co., the manufacturer of rBGH, has influenced U. S. product safety laws permitting the sale of unlabeled rBGH milk. (Monsanto would lose billions of dollars if rBGH were banned in America.)

Q. Is there any milk not contaminated with rBGH and IGF-1?
A. Yes. Milk that is clearly labeled “NO rBGH” is free of rBGH and does not contain excess levels of IGF-1.

Q. What about cheeses?
A. American-made cheeses are contaminated with rBGH and excess levels of IGF-1 unless they’re labeled “NO rBGH”. Imported European cheeses are safe since Europe has banned rBGH.

Dangers of IGF-1 in Milk include Breast, Colon and Prostate Cancers. 

I encourage you all to check the labels on the food and drinks you purchase and do a little background investigating on the company's whose products you consume. At the end of the day, us slowly dieing means long term profit for them. Power Your Mind! MadOne  

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