Tuesday, November 2, 2010

America's Happiest Companies

Here's a look at some of the happiest companies in the U.S.

©Paul Sakuma/AP
Offers employees positive psychology training; onsite cafeterias, fitness facilities and bocce courts; and 80 associations like knitting and book clubs bring employees together based on personal interests.

©Ross Franklin/AP
American Express
Encourages flexible schedules like telecommuting, job-sharing and compressed workweeks; employees are offered paid sabbaticals; gay partners receive health benefits.

©Courtesy Google                         

Offers onsite childcare and encourages employees to visit children during the day, famously provides free meals, Google also hosts "TGIF" weekly staff meetings, dry-cleaning, oil changes,  supplies ping pong tables and videogame stations where employees can break from work.

©Joern Pollex/Getty Images
According to happiness expert Shawn Achor, MIT researchers studied thousands of IBM employees for a year and found the more social they were the better they performed. Each additional e-mail contact added $948 in revenue. IBM since launched a program to facilitate employee introductions to increase overall happiness.

Invests in happiness training; allows employees to take partially paid leaves for up to 12 weeks; encourages flexible scheduling and formal mentoring programs.

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