Saturday, November 6, 2010

Microsoft Kinect Review Roundup

Reviews for the new Microsoft Kinect motion control system are rolling in, and a general consensus is beginning to emerge. So does Kinect stand up to the hype?
Reviews are almost universally positive in proclaiming the Kinect a significant (just how significant remains to be seen) revolution in how people play games. It's truly a fascinating experience to have a system that can recognize the whole body as a controller. Most reviewers expressed excitement at the possibilities of Kinect and the experience of playing games with it.

That's not to say it's a perfect solution, yet.
There are still limitations with the body scanning interface. Every reviewer pointed out instances where the Kinect system didn't recognize a gesture, although those instances seemed to be in the minority. Some even questioned whether it was the system that was at fault or poor game design. TECH NEWS DAILY

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