Friday, January 14, 2011

Sony Says PSP2 Is as Powerful as PS3, Coming Q4 2011

The PlayStation 3 is a pretty impressive piece of gaming hardware, and Sony is reportedly telling developers that the upcoming PlayStation Portable 2 will be as powerful as its workhorse console. The report comes from sources for gaming site MCV, saying the PSP2 will be on store shelves in time for the holidays of 2011.

This report also corroborates earlier reports of the PSP2's console-rivaling power. While, it seems pretty unbelievable that such a small device could be as powerful as the PS3, which has been acknowledged as having the most graphics processing power among consoles, keep in mind that the PS3 is getting along in years and mobile processing has progressed by leaps and bounds recently. For instance, several manufacturers announced dual-core processors in their smartphones at CES 2011. Sony is putting a lot of emphasis on powerful gaming with the PSP2 because mobile gaming platforms have sprung up for iPhone, Android and other smartphone systems. Interestingly, the PSP2 will include some kind of phone functionality, perhaps similar to how the original PSP can use Skype, but it will not primarily be a phone. The PSP2 is also separate from the rumored PlayStation Phone, which runs Android.

MCV sources say that the PSP2 will rely heavily on downloadable games, likely through a Wi-Fi connection, but that it will also accept physical media so that games can be sold in retail stores. TechNewsDaily

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