Friday, May 6, 2011

New House Bill Would Add Incentives for Battery Cars

2011 Nissan Leaf
 A new measure up for debate in the U.S. House of Representatives could add significant incentive to get more motorists driving electric. The proposal would increase the current, $7,500 federal tax credit for buyers of qualifying electric vehicles to $9,500.  And it would provide up to $300 million in funding to 10 cities to help them promote the sales of battery cars.

The bill would dispense up to $300 million to 10 communities chosen as central to the promotion of electric propulsion.  They would serve as the hub for producing and deploying the vehicles. In January, President Obama asked Congress for up to $10 million in funding for each of 30 communities – with the fund capped at $200 million nationwide. Meanwhile, up to 500,000 buyers a year – 50,000 in each of those communities – would be offered an additional $2,000 above the current federal tax credit for buying a battery car or plug-in.

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